Hi, my name is Arko and I’m a SHUTTERBUG

Living in Kolkata for a number of years. I enjoy taking pictures in many different genres. To me, good photography is like INNER, NON-MATTERIAL tranquilly.

 My work is mostly self-initiated. Public spaces, street photography, the outdoors, the beach, sporting events, concert halls, and anything that is lovely I take pictures.

 Well, I began my photographic journey with mobile phones during my college years, but as time passed, I believed it needed a new depth, so I began taking pictures with my CANON R50 (with the kit lens). Every day, I hope to learn something new and that what drives me. 

I considered running before walking because we are all given a finite amount of time on this planet. . Last but not least, I want to express my gratitude to those who encouraged me to follow my passion and take it seriously (you all know who you are). 

P.S - It's a journey from alone to ALONE. 

